Critical Thinking Consulting

Customized Argument Analysis

Let the Grove Critical Thinking Group use their Critical Thinking expertise to help your organization work through its most difficult problems. By developing a customized argument analysis, we can:

  • • Dismantle any complex problem

  • • Display all relevant information and how it is related inferentially

  • • Expose hidden assumptions

  • • Ensure that only justified conclusions are reached

  • • Aid in communicating reasoning to achieve rational consensus and buy-in


Reasoning Evaluation and Improvement

Every organization has processes by which it solves problems and makes decisions. But mistakes are made, opportunities are lost, costs are incurred. There is always room for improvement; indeed sometimes these processes are severely deficient. With our expertise in Critical Thinking, the Grove Critical Thinking Group will:

  • • Examine the processes your organization uses to generate knowledge and make decisions

  • • Provide an objective and insightful evaluation

  • • Propose ways to increase efficiency and quality of output